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Atlas Fallen Wiki
Ruthless Haste

Essence Stones are abilities featured in Atlas Fallen. They are equipped to the Momentum Gauge on the Gauntlet across three tiers. They grant variety of abilities and bonuses that enhance combat. Essence Stones become active once the player's Momentum has reached their position on the Momentum Gauge.

Two types of Essence Stones are available: active and passive. Active Essence Stones can be denoted by their diamond logo. They enable the player to perform special abilities with a cooldown but must be activated manually. Passive Essence stones can be denoted by their square logo. They grant stat bonuses that increase a player's versatility and activate automatically when reached on the Momentum Gauge. Players can slot one active and three passive Essence Stones for each tier on the Momentum Gauge.

Essence stones are obtained by exploring the environment, drops from enemies, or as a reward for completing quests. Several Essence Stones can also be crafted with Fusion Materials after the corresponding Formula has been obtained. Fusion Materials can also be used to increase the rank of an Essence Stone to enhance their abilities further.


Essence Stones are categorized into six types based on the effect they provide. An Essence Stone's type can be determined based on its color.

  • Damage - Affect damage output of attacks
  • Tricks - Grant status effects
  • Momentum - Affects how Momentum is gained or lost
  • Healing - Affects the player's health and healing
  • Survivability - Enhance defense and evasion
  • Tainted - Strong Essence Stones with unique effects and drawbacks

List of Essence Stones[]

The game features a total of 151 Essence Stones.

Title Image Tier Category Type Recipe Crafting
Relentless Strike
Relentless Strike
II Damage Passive Formula XX 1x Essence Core

2x Dale Vines
4x Coppery Ore

Fractured Field
Fractured Field
II Damage Passive
Whirling Blade
Whirling Blade
II Damage Active Active Formula IX 1x Essence Core

2x Fiery Leaves
2x Silvery Ore

Counter Attack
Counter Attack
I Damage Passive
Enkindled Iron
Enkindled Iron
I Damage Active
Hoarded Wrath
Hoarded Wrath
I Damage Active Formula XV 1x Essence Core

2x Fiery Leaves
6x Coppery Ore

Tormented Wrath
Tormented Wrath
I Damage
Hurling Hammer
Hurling Hammer
I Damage Active
Ruthless Advantage
Ruthless Advantage
I Damage Active Active Formula X 1x Essence Core
2x Fiery Leaves
4x Coppery Ore
Swift Sentence
Swift Sentence
I Damage Active Active Formula XI 1x Essence Core
2x Fiery Leaves
4x Coppery Ore
Biting Sandstorm
Biting Sandstorm
II Damage Active Active Formula V 1x Essence Core
1x Fiery Leaves
1x Silvery Ore
Blooming Calamity
Blooming Calamity
II Damage Active
Death Mark
Death Mark
II Damage Active
Dispelling Blast
Dispelling Blast
II Damage Active
Blazing Swirl
Blazing Swirl
III Damage Active Active Formula XX 2x Essence Core
2x Fiery Leaves
4x Golden Ore
Celestial Doom
Celestial Doom
III Damage Active Active Formula XVI 1x Essence Core
2x Fiery Leaves
2x Golden Ore
Endmost Wrath
Endmost Wrath
III Damage
Restless Executioner
Restless Executioner
III Damage Active
Staggering Blast
Staggering Blast
III Damage Active Active Formula VII 1x Essence Core
2x Fiery Leaves
1x Golden Ore
Stalling Tornado
Stalling Tornado
III Damage Active Active Formula VIII 1x Essence Core
2x Fiery Leaves
1x Golden Ore
Assailing Hive
Assailing Hive
I Damage Passive
Evasive Burst
Evasive Burst
I Damage Passive
Invigorating Pain
Invigorating Pain
I Damage Passive Formula VI 1x Essence Core
1x Dale Vines
2x Coppery Ore
Lost Temper
Lost Temper
I Damage Passive
Perilous Parry
Perilous Parry
I Damage
Rampaging Wrath
Rampaging Wrath
I Damage
Wing Ripper
Wing Ripper
I Damage Active
Hurling Lance
Hurling Lance
II Damage Active
Swift Hive
Swift Hive
II Damage Active
Bursting Demise
Bursting Demise
II Damage Passive Formula XXI 1x Essence Core
2x Fiery Leaves
2x Silvery Ore
Cleaving Climax
Cleaving Climax
II Damage Active Formula XVI 1x Essence Core
2x Fiery Leaves
2x Silvery Ore
Crystal Slayer
Crystal Slayer
II Damage Active Formula XVIII 1x Essence Core
2x Fiery Leaves
2x Silvery Ore
Hammer Blast
Hammer Blast
II Damage Passive Formula III 1x Essence Core
1x Fiery Leaves
1x Silvery Ore
Idol's Frenzy
Idol's Frenzy
II Damage Passive Formula V 1x Essence Core
1x Fiery Leaves
1x Silvery Ore
Impetuous Retribution
Impetuous Retribution
II Damage Passive Formula VI 1x Essence Core
1x Fiery Leaves
1x Silvery Ore
Primed Swarm
Primed Swarm
II Damage Active Formula XXIV 1x Essence Core
1x Fiery Leaves
1x Silvery Ore
Providential Blades
Providential Blades
II Damage Passive
Rippling Destruction
Rippling Destruction
II Damage Passive Formula II 1x Essence Core
1x Fiery Leaves
1x Silvery Ore
Rippling Strike
Rippling Strike
II Damage Passive Formula XXI 1x Essence Core
2x Fiery Leaves
2x Silvery Ore
Roaring Shatter
Roaring Shatter
II Damage Passive Formula IV 1x Essence Core
1x Fiery Leaves
1x Silvery Ore
Ruthless Slayer
Ruthless Slayer
II Damage Passive Formula I 1x Essence Core
1x Fiery Leaves
1x Silvery Ore
Affliction Mark
Affliction Mark
III Damage Passive
Blood Lust
Blood Lust
III Damage Passive Formula XXXI
Deflective Hive
Deflective Hive
III Damage Passive Formula XXIII 1x Essence Core
2x Fiery Leaves
2x Golden Ore
Double Trouble
Double Trouble
III Damage Passive Formula XX 1x Essence Core
2x Fiery Leaves
4x Coppery Ore
Erratic Hive
Erratic Hive
III Damage
Providential Shatter
Providential Shatter
III Damage Passive Formula II 1x Essence Core
2x Fiery Leaves
3x Golden Ore
Reckless Wrath
Reckless Wrath
III Damage
Shared Suffering
Shared Suffering
III Damage Passive
Shattered Ground
Shattered Ground
III Damage Passive

Title Image Tier Category Type Recipe Crafting
Soothing Ground
Soothing Ground
II Healing Active Active Formula IV *1x Essence Core
Idol's Pulse
Idol's Pulse
I Healing Active Active Formula I *1x Essence Core
Idol's Breath
Idol's Breath
I Healing Passive Formula VIII *1x Essence Core
Idol's Restoration
Idol's Restoration
I Healing Passive Formula V *1x Essence Core
Crystalline Cure
Crystalline Cure
I Healing Passive Formula XVII *1x Essence Core
Invigorating Burst
Invigorating Burst
I Healing Passive Formula XIX *1x Essence Core
Healing Strike
Healing Strike
II Healing Active
Idol's Fortune
Idol's Fortune
II Healing Passive
Idol's Thrill
Idol's Thrill
II Healing
Inner Peace
Inner Peace
II Healing Passive
Reckless Cure
Reckless Cure
II Healing
Triptych Cure
Triptych Cure
II Healing Passive Formula XIV *1x Essence Core
Curative Barrier
Curative Barrier
III Healing Active Formula XXI *1x Essence Core
Idol's Bliss
Idol's Bliss
III Healing Active Formula XII *1x Essence Core
Idol's Greed
Idol's Greed
III Healing

Title Image Tier Category Type Recipe Crafting
Avid Generation
Avid Generation
II Momentum
Swift Generation
Swift Generation
I Momentum Active Active Formula III 1x Essence Core
1x Nook Shroom
2x Coppery Ore
Generating Slashes
Generating Slashes
II Momentum Active
Generative Swarm
Generative Swarm
II Momentum Active Active Formula VI 1x Essence Core
2x Nook Shroom
2x Silvery Ore
Momentum Field
Momentum Field
II Momentum Active
Dazing Leap
Dazing Leap
III Momentum Active Active Formula XIII 1x Essence Core
2x Nook Shroom
2x Golden Ore
Generating Parry
Generating Parry
I Momentum Passive Formula IX 1x Essence Core
1x Nook Shroom
2x Coppery Ore
Crystalline Energy
Crystalline Energy
I Momentum Active Formula XVIII 1x Essence Core
2x Nook Shroom
4x Coppery Ore
Crystalline Generation
Crystalline Generation
I Momentum Passive Formula XXVIII 1x Essence Core
2x Nook Shroom
6x Coppery Ore
Exalted Ascension
Exalted Ascension
I Momentum Passive
Momentum Alliance
Momentum Alliance
I Momentum Passive Formula XII 1x Essence Core
1x Nook Shroom
2x Coppery Ore
Reigniting Shatter
Reigniting Shatter
I Momentum Passive Formula IV 1x Essence Core
1x Nook Shroom
2x Coppery Ore
Sinful Bargain
Sinful Bargain
I Momentum
Unstable Generation
Unstable Generation
I Momentum Passive
Draining Generation
Draining Generation
II Momentum
Energizing Thrill
Energizing Thrill
II Momentum Passive Formula XI 1x Essence Core
2x Nook Shroom
2x Silvery Ore
Momentum Impact
Momentum Impact
II Momentum Passive Formula XXII 1x Essence Core
2x Nook Shroom
2x Silvery Ore
Momentum Surge
Momentum Surge
II Momentum Passive Formula XXVII 1x Essence Core
2x Nook Shroom
4x Silvery Ore
Residual Energy
Residual Energy
II Momentum Passive
Ruthless Generation
Ruthless Generation
II Momentum Passive Formula I 1x Essence Core
1x Nook Shroom
1x Silvery Ore
Energizing Shatter
Energizing Shatter
III Momentum Passive Formula XIII 1x Essence Core
2x Nook Shroom
3x Golden Ore
Lingering Essence
Lingering Essence
III Momentum Passive Formula XXVII 1x Essence Core
2x Nook Shroom
4x Golden Ore
Momentum Guard
Momentum Guard
III Momentum Passive
Fair Fight
Fair Fight
I Momentum Passive

Title Image Tier Category Type Recipe Crafting
Unwavering Stance
Unwavering Stance
I Survivability Passive Formula VII *1x Essence Core
Calming Breeze
Calming Breeze
I Survivability Active Active Formula XVII 1x Essence Core
2x Aquatic Daelia
6x Coppery Ore
Golden Guardian
Golden Guardian
I Survivability Active
Imperious Bastion
Imperious Bastion
I Survivability
Ruthless Protection
Ruthless Protection
I Survivability Passive Formula II 1x Essence Core
1x Aquatic Daelia
2x Coppery Ore
Tenacious Parry
Tenacious Parry
I Survivability Passive Formula IX 1x Essence Core
1x Aquatic Daelia
2x Coppery Ore
Thick Skin
Thick Skin
I Survivability Passive
Sand Barrier
Sand Barrier
I Survivability Active
Absorbtion Swarm
Absorbtion Swarm
II Survivability Active
Impervious Gift
Impervious Gift
II Survivability Active Active Formula XIX 1x Essence Core
2x Aquatic Daelia
4x Silvery Ore
Wearying Veil
Wearying Veil
I Survivability
Decelerating Aura
Decelerating Aura
II Survivability Passive Formula VII
Narrow Escape
Narrow Escape
II Survivability Passive
Sheltering Recharge II Survivability Passive Formula XI 1x Essence Core
2x Aquatic Daelia
2x Silvery Ore
Force Field
Force Field
II Survivability Active
Stronghold Strike
Stronghold Strike
III Survivability Active
Innate Parry
Innate Parry
III Survivability Passive Formula VIII 1x Essence Core
1x Aquatic Daelia
1x Golden Ore
Protective Instinct
Protective Instinct
III Survivability Passive
Providential Veil
Providential Veil
III Survivability Passive Formula XXV 1x Essence Core
2x Aquatic Daelia
2x Golden Ore
Saving Grace
Saving Grace
III Survivability Passive
Unexpected Aid
Unexpected Aid
III Survivability Passive Formula XXII 1x Essence Core
2x Aquatic Daelia
2x Golden Ore

Title Image Tier Category Type Recipe Crafting
Blunting Blast
Blunting Blast
I Tricks Active Active Formula XII 1x Essence Core
2x Meadow Cinth
4x Coppery Ore
Dazzling Impact
Dazzling Impact
I Tricks Active Active Formula II 1x Essence Core
1x Meadow Cinth
2x Coppery Ore
Disruptive Throw
Disruptive Throw
I Tricks Active
Ruthless Haste
Ruthless Haste
II Tricks Passive Formula XV 1x Essence Core
2x Meadow Cinth
2x Silvery Ore
Hindering Mine
Hindering Mine
I Tricks Active
Sand Leap
Sand Leap
I Tricks Active
Discord Field
Discord Field
II Tricks Active Active Formula XIV 1x Essence Core
1x Meadow Cinth
2x Coppery Ore
Hurling Crystal
Hurling Crystal
II Tricks Active Active Formula XVIII 1x Essence Core
1x Meadow Cinth
2x Coppery Ore
Lone Fight
Lone Fight
II Tricks Active Black Alms
Clock Master
Clock Master
III Tricks Active Active Formula XV 1x Essence Core
2x Meadow Cinth
1x Golden Ore
Impairing Minefield
Impairing Minefield
III Tricks Active
Sacrificial Generation
Sacrificial Generation
I Momentum
Slowing Plunge
Slowing Plunge
II Tricks Passive Formula X 1x Essence Core
1x Meadow Cinth
1x Silvery Ore
Blessed Parry
Blessed Parry
I Tricks Passive Formula XXIII 1x Essence Core
2x Meadow Cinth
3x Coppery Ore
Crystalline Plague
Crystalline Plague
I Tricks Passive Formula XVII 1x Essence Core
2x Meadow Cinth
4x Coppery Ore
Enhanced Hook
Enhanced Hook
I Tricks Passive Formula XIX 1x Essence Core
2x Meadow Cinth
4x Coppery Ore
Impairing Outburst
Impairing Outburst
I Tricks Passive Formula X 1x Essence Core
1x Meadow Cinth
2x Coppery Ore
Lucky Charm
Lucky Charm
I Tricks Passive Formula VII 1x Essence Core
1x Meadow Cinth
2x Coppery Ore
Lucky Stun
Lucky Stun
I Tricks Passive
Quickening Venom
Quickening Venom
I Tricks
Rampart Breacher
Rampart Breacher
I Tricks Passive Formula XVI 1x Essence Core
2x Meadow Cinth
4x Coppery Ore
Swift Recharge
Swift Recharge
I Tricks Passive Formula XXIV 1x Essence Core
2x Meadow Cinth
4x Coppery Ore

Title Image Tier Category Type Recipe Crafting
Tormented Wrath
Tormented Wrath
I Damage
Avid Generation
Avid Generation
II Momentum
Endmost Wrath
Endmost Wrath
III Damage
Sacrificial Generation
Sacrificial Generation
I Momentum
Idol's Thrill
Idol's Thrill
II Healing
Reckless Cure
Reckless Cure
II Healing
Idol's Greed
Idol's Greed
III Healing
Imperious Bastion
Imperious Bastion
I Survivability
Wearying Veil
Wearying Veil
I Survivability
Sinful Bargain
Sinful Bargain
I Momentum
Draining Generation
Draining Generation
II Momentum
Perilous Parry
Perilous Parry
I Damage
Rampaging Wrath
Rampaging Wrath
I Damage
Erratic Hive
Erratic Hive
III Damage
Reckless Wrath
Reckless Wrath
III Damage
Quickening Venom
Quickening Venom
I Tricks


  • Alchemist
  • Stone Collection

>> Read more: Achievements and Trophies
